"Babylon" is a comic book retelling of the story of the "Babylonian Captivity" of the Jewish people. Kingstone Comics is publishing a series of books that tell the story of the bible in comic book form. Apparently, the comic book "Babylon" was written as a movie script. I would like to see Babylon/Assyria on film. The only accurate depiction that I am aware of was the brief scenes in the panned movie "Alexander" by Oliver Stone. "One Night With the King" showed Persia but not very accurately. "Intolerance" by D.W. Griffith also showed Babylon in all of its glory-and it is one of the earliest historical epics filmed.
Babylon: Mesopotamia and the Birth of Civilization. Civilization was born eight thousand years ago, between the floodplains of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, when migrants from the surrounding mountains and deserts began to create increasingly sophisticated urban societies. In the cities that they built, half of human history took place. In Babylon, Paul Kriwaczek tells the story of Mesopotamia from the earliest settlements seven thousand years ago to the eclipse of Babylon in the sixth century BCE. Bringing the people of this land to life in vibrant detail, the author chronicles the rise and fall of power during this period and explores the political and social systems, as well as the technical and cultural innovations, which made this land extraordinary. At the heart of this book is the story of Babylon, which rose to prominence under the Amorite king Hammurabi from about 1800 BCE. Even as Babylon's fortunes waxed and waned, it never lost its allure as the ancient world's greatest city. Engaging and compelling, Babylon reveals the splendor of the ancient world that laid the foundation for civilization itself.
Mark Levin-The Best Post-election Commentary
Bill O'Reilly, "Is Traditional America Gone for Good?"
My Position on General Petraeus-as a military person-As I have said before, General Petraeus gets too much credit. Our success in Iraq was due to our soldiers-and because the Iraqi people turned against the insurgency and began cooperating with the American military. General Petraeus strategy seems to be to turn the army into the peace corps. Some opposition to the COIN strategy within the US military was discussed in "Is this any way to fight a war?" by Matthew Teague in Men's Journal, January 2011. (http://archive.mensjournal.com/is-this-any-way-to-fight-a-war). "Al-Qaida in Iraq" had a strategy of unleashing chaos in Iraq. Through suicide attacks they killed about 30,000 Iraqi civilians-mostly fellow Muslims. (Although they did specifically target Aramaic Christians and even the Yezidi.) So, the Iraqis realized that it was in their best interests to cooperate with American forces to get rid of the insurgeants. I read parts of the COIN (Counter Insurency) manual and I was offended when Petraeus discouraged the use of Assyrian Christian translators because Moslems would feel more comfortable with fellow Muslims as interpreters. This offended me-I have worked with the Assyrian interpreters and they are often American citizens and were the best translators we had. Then Petraeus became infuriated that serial numbers of certain rifle scopes had bible verses in them (like JN316). This was a non-issue and initially the Pentagon dismissed it as such. (They were manufactured by a devout Christian in South Africa and the motivation of the manufacturer was only his way of giving glory to God.) That Petreaus had a cow over serial numbers convinced me that he must be an islamophile-just like Obama who said that it is his duty as president of the USA to protect Islam against negative stereotypes (see the Cairo speech). Bush brought in two liberals at last two years of his office to run the war on terror-Bob Gates and General Petreus. As an Islamophile-since his COIN strategy is a surrender and appeasement strategy-I wouldn't be surprised if he was in on the scheme to deflect blame for the Bengazi attacks from radical Islam and onto the USA. (We provoke them by making a movie offensive to Muslims.) (I believe that if Gore was in office on 9-11-01-the Democrats would have placed the blame for the attacks on Americans-for being intolerant-which certain Democrats did-I kept some pamphlets from some "sensitivity training" I had to undergo that said as much.) Petraeus's faulty strategy has been abandoned-as is discussed in a Time magazine article (Read more: http://swampland.time.com/2012/11/12/exit-petraeus-and-his-famous-military-doctrine/#ixzz2C46Aqbxx) I believe that Petraeus's working with the Obama administration shows his loyalties. This "I can't testify because I had an affair" in non-sense. Also, I am highly offended that these hearings are not opened to the public. So, I realized years ago that General Petraeus is a butt-hole. Unfortunately, the American public has a long tradition of hero-worshiping of generals who are in command in what is viewed as a successful military operation. No general I know of has endured the hardships that I experienced in Iraq. Another good article about this issue: Troubling questions in the Benghazi-Petraeus mess By Victoria Toensing, Published November 12, 2012, FoxNews.com.
Silencing General Petraeus? By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano
Troubling questions in the Benghazi-Petraeus mess By Victoria Toensing, Published November 12, 2012, FoxNews.com Something is rotten in Benghazi-Petraeus. But we cannot find the rot in these two tragedies because the information is classified and the administration remains silent at the pleasure of the press. Benghazi first: The CIA Libyan Chief of Station within 24 hours of the Tuesday September 11 attack on our consulate cabled CIA headquarters that it was carried out by militants and not in reaction to an obscure American-made internet video that criticized Islam's Prophet Muhammed. Yet on Friday, September 14, Director of Central Intelligence, General David Petraeus, ignored his chief boot-on-the-ground and briefed the House Intelligence Committee, as described by Vice-Chairman Ruppensberger (D-Md), that the attack was "spontaneous." What happened in those two days that the causal theory turned 180 degrees? Did the now discarded theory belong only to Director of Central Intelligence Petraeus and the CIA? Because on that same day, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Joint Chief Vice Chairman Admiral James Whinnefeld, told the Senate Armed Services Committee that they believed the attack was premeditated. The administration had time to co-ordinate the two inconsistent assessments. It did not. On Sunday, September 16, UN Ambassador Susan Rice fulfilled the quinfecta of all Sunday shows during which she vigorously backed the CIA/ Petraeus position: "What happened…in Benghazi…was a direct result of a heinous and offensive video that was widely disseminated, which the U.S. government had nothing to do with, which we have made clear is reprehensible and disgusting." (ABC Jake Tapper) The press reported the CIA provided her "talking points," a job usually reserved for a press secretary. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was nowhere to be seen or heard that day. Her spokesperson, Victoria Nuland, has steadfastly deferred to others when asked whether the video was the cause. The White House had 9 more days to gather facts to decide which theory was supported by the evidence. It did not. Or it chose not to tell us. Nine days later in his speech to the United Nations, President Obama was still accusing the video of being the proximate cause where he referred to it six times, declaring "a crude and disgusting video sparked outrage throughout the Muslim world." This discredited claim was made notwithstanding Libyan President Mohammad Magarief's telling NBC on that very day that the attacks "had nothing to do with" the video. Did these two presidents not communicate during this time? Or did President Obama ignore the president-on-the-ground's assessment? For some reason DCI Petraeus backed the Obama unsupported theory that the video made the attackers do it rather than his own Chief of Station's assessment that it was a planned military attack. Why do the shifting stories and misplaced theory of cause matter? Because if an administration pushes a political agenda that applauds the killing of Bin Laden as the ultimate act for eradicating the radical Islamic threat, then that same administration ignores its Ambassador's urgent pleas for more security for fear it will appear Bin Laden's demise was not the answer to that threat. Our country's chief spy is supposed to know which theory is held up by the evidence. Having pointed out the context of Petraeus' strange support of that now refuted theory, we must turn to the bizarre circumstances of his resignation as DCI after the FBI discovered he had an affair with his biographer. Something is terribly amiss for those of us steeped in federal criminal law, national security, and Congressional protocol. We have been told that the president knew nothing of the investigation until post-election Wednesday. Similarly, the relevant Congressional committees said they either heard about it on television (Senate Intelligence Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein) or just a few hours before the announcement. Yet policy and the law—depending on the gravity of the facts--call for the FBI to inform the Intelligence Committees and the White House whenever there is a concern about any person involved in national security. Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2012/11/12/troubling-questions-in-benghazi-petraeus-mess/#ixzz2C40Zh73W
How Petraeus betrayed us By Michael Goodwin
Published November 12, 2012, New York Post, Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2012/11/12/how-petraeus-betrayed-us/#ixzz2C3zBZ8UY
What I have been saying for some time…Exit Petraeus — and His Famous Military Doctrine By Michael CrowleyNov. 12, 2012 The disgrace of David Petraeus has ended more than a great military career. It is also the symbolic end of a major chapter in American security strategy. The fall of the former Iraq and Afghanistan commander adds a tawdry exclamation point to the decline of counterinsurgency, the military theory for which Petraeus offered a heroic public face. Flash back to the mid-2000s. The Iraq war was an unmitigated disaster, with no apparent hope in sight. Confronted with a potent insurgency, the occupying U.S. forces often fought back with a brute force that backfired, further alienating a hostile population. Along came the Princeton-educated Petraeus, preaching the gospel of counterinsurgency. Defeating an indigenous resistance, the thinking went, required a unique approach to warfare. To oversimplify, it was less about killing the enemy than winning over and protecting the local population; less about guns and bombs than about hearts and minds. That meant forging personal relationships, training local security forces and investing in expensive development projects. In short, it meant nation building. It was often described as the Petraeus Doctrine. As Iraq began to stabilize in 2007 and '08, counterinsurgency got much of the credit. Soon the theory caught fire in Washington: think tanks hired and the media spotlighted some of the doctrine's many well-educated (and combat-tested) proponents. The U.S. military developed more counterinsurgency training programs for its troops, offering tips on things like making nice with village elders and knowing when to let the enemy escape rather than risk high civilian combat casualties. This was a form of warfare that even many liberals (perhaps misguidedly) saw as kinder and gentler enough than the usual shock and awe to tolerate. Petraeus and the counterinsurgency he waged as George W. Bush's top general in Iraq probably get too much credit for turning around that war. Other factors, including the way disgusted Sunni sheiks in Iraq's Anbar province turned against al-Qaeda fighters, were at least as important. But plenty of people, including military and political leaders in Washington, wanted to believe that what Petraeus had done for Iraq could also be done in Afghanistan. Soon after Barack Obama took office, his commander there, General Stanley McChrystal, devised an ambitious counterinsurgency strategy for the country. The White House seemed to accept the idea. Later that year, Obama sent 30,000 more troops to the country — fewer than what McChrystal had requested, but perhaps close enough. When Obama dispatched Petraeus to replace McChrystal in 2010 after the latter's firing, some people wondered if the Petraeus Doctrine might salvage another wrenching conflict. It wasn't to be. The final chapter of the Afghanistan war has yet to be written, but the U.S. seems to have run out of patience — both with that war and with the expensive and grinding work of counterinsurgency. In the 2012 election, Mitt Romney agreed with Obama that the U.S. should aspire to be out of the country by 2014. A few weeks ago, the New York Times published a long editorial calling for an even faster end to the war and warning against more such interventions. ("America's global interests suffer when it is mired in unwinnable wars in distant regions," the Times wrote.) In his third debate with Romney, Obama delivered a memorable sound bite that seemed to complete Washington's abandonment of counterinsurgency: "What I think the American people recognize is that after a decade of war, it's time to do some nation building here at home." Even before he was sworn in as CIA director in September 2011, Petraeus was bending the rules of his own doctrine in Afghanistan. He reversed McChrystal's counterinsurgency-inspired limits on air strikes, which can cause heavy civilian casualties, and bombed the hell out of the Taliban. He also oversaw a steep increase in Special Forces raids and armed drone strikes. Petraeus brought that attitude to the CIA, fighting to expand the spy agency's drone fleet so that it can more easily kill suspected terrorists from Pakistan to Yemen to North Africa. Those sort of targeted assassinations aren't quite the opposite of counterinsurgency. (That would be carpet bombing.) But they fly in the face of the doctrine in multiple ways. Drone strikes — which often kill unlucky civilians — enrage local populations in countries like Pakistan and Yemen and risk "damaging and counterproductive" effects for U.S. interests. At least one recent would-be terrorist who plotted to attack the U.S. said he was motivated by drone attacks in Pakistan. Counterinsurgency requires huge numbers of troops to protect and build relationships with local populations. Drone-based counterterrorism strategy requires few if any boots on the ground. Death is rained down anonymously, usually with no explanation or apology for collateral damage. This is the new American strategy. Hearts and minds have been replaced by drones and SEALs. Working a tribal council is a less valuable skill than piloting a Predator. By the end of his career — in a country exhausted by war and slashing its budget — Petraeus had embraced that shift. He had lowered his profile too far to become the drone war's public face. But to those watching closely, the Petraeus Doctrine had morphed into something different. Counterinsurgency was finished. Much like the general's career. Read more: http://swampland.time.com/2012/11/12/exit-petraeus-and-his-famous-military-doctrine/#ixzz2C46Aqbxx
Obama re-election is a sad day for America. It could possibly be the last election ever in America. What I mean that liberalism will become so dominant in America that conservatives will not be able to field a candidate that can win an election. The RINOs are saying that the Republican party should become more like the Democratic party-so then, if the political parties become the same-why vote? If that happens we will never have a real choice between the two parties. If the Republican candidate can only get 45% or less o f the vote (although it isn't that bad yet) why would the party waste its time and money in fielding a presidential candidate? The government is replacing the population of America with immigrants and they vote 75% and higher for democrats. These immigration trends will kill the democratic process. The worst thing is that Obama's radicalism is going to harm not just America but the world. He is emboldening radical Islam. With Obama's encouragement, the Muslim radicals become more dominant-and Middle Eastern Christianity thus faces a decline that it may not ever be able to recover. Christianity is obviously in decline, in America and in the Middle East. Although the left doesn't realize it yet, and neither do the Muslims-Islam is on decline as well. There my still be hope yet for America. We must keep things in focus! Obama won 51% of the vote-in no way was this a landslide (except for in the electoral college-which doesn't represent the popular vote). About ten million less voted for Obama than voted for him in 2008. Also, the Republicans maintained control of the house. Obama's situation is weaker-although he is to arrogant to realize this. With his policies it is unlikely that the economy will improve. Nixon won a second term and had to resign before it was over. George W. Bush was re-elected-but in his second term he became an object of hatred and scorn. I believe that the Obama presidency is going to unravel and it has already began with the Benghazi scandal. I don't see how Obama is going to get away with letting Americans die in Libya and then trying to cover it up and lie to the American people. The truth will come out and Obama will be exposed. I discuss this issue more in depth at my youtube channel: www.youtube.com/aramaic12
The Battle for Religious Freedom:
A federal judge on Monday denied a Christian group's bid for a preliminary injunction to force Santa Monica to allow the display of a Nativity Scene — leading critics to fear the ruling could jeopardize religious liberty. U.S. District Court Judge Audrey Collins formalized an earlier tentative ruling during a hearing. William Becker, the attorney for the Christian group, told Fox News that it was an "extraordinary ruling." "The next step will be for them to stop any religious speech at all in a public park — whether it's singing hymns or merely handing out leaflets or merely discussing religion," he said. "One day it will all be banned." Christmastime Nativity scenes had been erected in Palisades Park for decades. Last year, atheists overwhelmed the city's auction process for display sites, winning 18 of 21 slots and triggering a bitter dispute. The city then banned private, unattended displays at the park. Santa Monica officials snuffed the city's holiday tradition this year rather than referee the religious rumble, prompting churches that have set up a 14-scene Christian diorama to sue over freedom of speech claims. "It's a sad, sad commentary on the attitudes of the day that a nearly 60-year-old Christmas tradition is now having to hunt for a home, something like our savior had to hunt for a place to be born because the world was not interested," Hunter Jameson, head of the nonprofit Santa Monica Nativity Scene Committee, said in advance of the hearing. (See Todd Starnes, Fox News, http://radio.foxnews.com/toddstarnes/top-stories/judge-denies-bid-to-save-nativity.html
Christian company Hobby Lobby forced to pay for Abortions: A federal judge Monday rejected Hobby Lobby Stores Inc.'s request to block part of the federal health care overhaul that requires the arts and craft supply company to provide insurance coverage for the morning-after and week-after birth control pills. In a 28-page ruling, U.S. District Judge Joe Heaton denied a request by Hobby Lobby to prevent the government from enforcing portions of the health care law mandating insurance coverage for contraceptives the company's Christian owners consider objectionable. The Oklahoma City-based company and a sister company, Mardel Inc., sued the government in September, claiming the mandate violates the owners' religious beliefs. The owners contend the morning-after and week-after birth control pills are tantamount to abortion because they can prevent a fertilized egg from implanting in a woman's womb. They also object to providing coverage for certain kinds of intrauterine devices. At a hearing earlier this month, a government lawyer said the drugs do not cause abortions and that the U.S. has a compelling interest in mandating insurance coverage for them. In his ruling denying Hobby Lobby's request for an injunction, Heaton said that while churches and other religious organizations have been granted constitutional protection from the birth-control provisions, "Hobby Lobby and Mardel are not religious organizations." Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/11/19/judge-rejects-hobby-lobby-case-against-obamacare-contraceptive-coverage-mandate/#ixzz2CjERFLsw
Another planned terror attack (NOV. 19, 2012)
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/11/19/4-men-in-southern-california-charged-with-attempting-to-support-terrorism/?test=latestnews#ixzz2Clz1W7py
Obamacare's threat to religious freedom
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/11/26/supreme-court-orders-new-look-at-health-care-challenge/#ixzz2DLtlSNXR
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/11/26/obama-has-not-spoken-to-egypt-morsi-since-power-grab/#ixzz2DMmb6l6z
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2012/11/26/egypt-justice-minister-says-resolution-to-crisis-imminent/#ixzz2DLn9Ga5P
The War on Men By Suzanne Venker
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2012/11/24/war-on-men/#ixzz2DLkyOfoQ
The Death of Hostess-A Union Contract Hit By Dennis Kneale
the death of Hostess Brands, progenitor of Twinkies, Devil Dogs and Ding Dongs and other artery-clogging, icing-adorned icons of Americana, plenty of factors get the blame. Management didn't cut deep enough, soon enough. Plants didn't update. Marketing failed to innovate. The product line stayed unstintingly junky, defiantly flouting America's reluctant reset to low-fat fare. But the real reason Hostess had to die at this particular time? This was a union contract hit. And that offers a disturbing glimpse into the delusional, drunk-with-power mindset of unions -- which represent barely 7% of the private work force in the U.S. -- as they embark on a second term of way-too-cozy relations with their supplicant in the White House. President Obama, ever grateful for the millions of dollars and thousands of foot soldiers provided by union support, will continue trying to end-run Congress and make it easier for unions to sink their hooks into business. Yet unions are in stark denial of the need for significant cutbacks in their lush contracts if their employers are to survive. This is especially true in the demise of Hostess Brands. Hostess's hired gun and CEO, Gregory Rayburn, the workout "cleaner" creditors had brought in to try to save the company, had said repeatedly that he would have to shut it down unless a dozen unions accepted cutbacks in pay, benefits and stupid, featherbedding union work rules. Even the Teamsters had agreed to his plan. (And those guys "will crack you over the head," as a union guy warned me many years ago when a strike loomed at the Detroit News and I, a lowly intern, had said I might cross any picket line.) But the 5,600 workers in the bakers union at Hostess went on strike. The leadership of the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers whispered to workers that the company was bluffing, or a white-knight buyer may emerge. Hard to know whether this was blatant deception or foolish miscalculation; I'd suspect a bit of both. Then Rayburn, somber not swaggering, came on-air with me on "Markets Now" in the noon hour on Thursday and reiterated his threat: The bakers must return to work by 5 p.m. that day, or the company would file to liquidate on Friday. See the video here. Rayburn even had a company press release hand-delivered to picketing workers at a dozen plants, warning them of the 5 o'clock ultimatum. He was hoping to separate the members from their kamikaze leadership. It didn't work. On Friday, Hostess filed in bankruptcy court to liquidate the company. With extreme prejudice. Today, Rayburn seeks court permission to start selling off pieces. So now all 18,500 workers at Hostess Brands just lost their jobs. Way to go guys! Bake me a lie, as fast as you can. Brace yourself for a wave of union propaganda-as-apologia. You'll hear Obama-echoes of sniping against private equity a la Mitt-Bain Capital: "Romney-Style Economics Behind Decline of Hostess, But Workers Are Paying the Price," says one website affiliated, predictably, with the AFL-CIO.Those vulture capitalists must have sucked out hundreds of millions of dollars by leveraging up the company, right? (Answer: wrong. Ripplewood Holdings injected a total $150 million in three dollops as Hostess sank deeper into trouble. It lost every dollar.) The unions will say management had given itself millions in pay raises while demanding worker cuts. (True, but the raises were barely a rounding error at a company that had lost almost half a billion bucks in two years; and Rayburn rescinded the raises anyway, making the brass work for a dollar a year apiece.) The unions will blame the company for taking on almost $900 million in debt. (Yet that debt cost Hostess all of $45 million in interest last year, when its total losses swelled up to $340 million). And here's what you won't hear the unions ever talk about:
Read more: http://www.foxbusiness.com/investing/2012/11/19/death-twinkies-union-contract-hit/#ixzz2DLkPXBUW
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2012/11/23/time-for-us-to-review-links-with-hamas-sponsor-qatar/#ixzz2DLqZGKzJ
Israelis believe that they should have gone to war in Gaza
A poll shows about half of Israelis think their government should have continued its military offensive against Palestinian militants in Hamas-ruled Gaza.
Sometimes not going to war is worse than going to war-as bad as war is.
The number 1 threat to democracy in America is the liberal news media.
Brazen faking of images reveals Hamas' desperation
There is only one thing worse than the image of a child killed by military conflict, and that is the image of a child killed by military conflict having deliberately been placed in the line of fire. War is, by definition, a very nasty business, and invariably it is the innocents on all sides who bear a significant cost in lives lost, people maimed and communities traumatized. But solid evidence now reveals how Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza have been deliberately placing their civilian population in mortal danger, choreographing a number of seemingly gory scenes, as well as releasing images from other conflicts, such as Iraq and Syria, and passing them off as dead Gazan civilians killed by Israeli missiles. In an attempt to persuade the world that Israel is committing war crimes and to distract attention away from the illegal and immoral use of their own population as human shields, Hamas has resorted to staging a number of fake deaths and scenes of severely injured people right in front of international TV crews. The BBC recently broadcast a news report showing a man being carried off by four others, seemingly the victim of an Israeli missile strike, only for him to reappear in the same clip a few seconds later wandering around completely unharmed. The same organization's Jon Donnison yesterday re-tweeted a picture of the dead body of a young girl on a stretcher in Gaza with the headline "Heartbreaking," only for it to transpire that the girl had sadly been killed three weeks earlier in Syria. Such is the sometimes chaotic nature of the situation on the ground in Gaza that mistakes can be made, but according to Paul Hirschson, spokesman for Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Hamas has crossed a red line even in the Arab world by promoting the use of images of dead people – children in particular – against the tradition of their religion and the expected respect for the dead. Hirschson told FoxNews.com that, "There's no question that there are civilians being killed and injured on both sides of this conflict, but respect for the dead within the Muslim world is a core principal and what Hamas is doing is in contradiction to the customs and traditions of the local community.
"As in Judaism, Islam believes in taking the body and burying it at the first opportunity," he said. "Even Al Jazeera is sensitive to this and has blanked out faces as it is an invasion of privacy. This is a cynical abuse of respect and privacy and is not something that is reconcilable with the norms of the community. There are certain moral and ethical codes that we all behave by. In Egypt and Jordan this stuff doesn't get published. Hamas are going to suffer for it amongst their own." Does the apparent manipulation of pictures, the "photoshopping" of images to suggest scenarios that later prove to be false, suggest a desperation then on the part of the Islamists to persuade the outside world of their opinion, regardless of the truth being told or not told? "Hamas is using these pictures in order to deliberately incite Arab public opinion because their leadership is disappointed at the relative lack of public pressure throughout the Arab world on Arab governments to support Hamas," Hirschson argued. "That could be for a number of reasons, but it could very well be because in Syria, in Egypt, or in Bahrain, for example, they have problems of their own. The other factor is that, yes, we have seen a rise in Islamists in the Arab world, but not everyone there is excited at that prospect. It is significant that there has barely been anything from Gaza's brothers in the Palestinian Authority. The (West Bank) leadership is nauseated with Hamas." Some argue that Hamas' manipulation of images is effectively undermining their own case and risking losing public sympathy as viewers and readers cannot be sure if the suffering being displayed is genuine. Those instances of real tragedy and trauma become lost in a fog of spin and manipulation. "War has very ugly consequences," Hirschson continued. "The one thing I don't want to do is to suggest it is all staged, that there are no injuries, and this is all a bluff. People are being killed on both sides, and sadly sometimes uninvolved people are being killed and hurt. I'm not all that concerned about those who are involved (in terrorism), but the manipulation of images, the faking of images, and the presenting of images from other conflicts as fact on the ground in Gaza, is a cynical ploy on the part of Hamas." On Monday, a number of foreign journalists were injured when a media center in Gaza was hit by an Israeli missile. Hirschson suggests that Islamic Jihad had deliberately positioned their command and control center in the building.
"Whether or not those international crews knew that Islamic Jihad were there is unclear. But by effectively using the media as human shields, nothing less than a war crime is being committed," he concluded.
Paul Alster is an Israel-based broadcast journalist who blogs at www.paulalster.com and can be followed on Twitter @paulalster
Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2012/11/20/brazen-faking-images-reveals-hamas-desperation/#ixzz2DLtBOiTg